Marketing Idea No. 176 – The Mango Country

July 16, 2008by Shahriar Amin2

Although we see a lot of different variants in fruit juice, Indian subcontinent is unofficially a mango country. Meaning, of all the juices, mango juice is the highest selling category.

Hence we see the recent boom in mango juices, from Frooty to Fruitika.

However, looking into future business expansion, these mango juices can launch even newer variants. And while looking for such inspiration, companies like Pran and Akij will have to look no further then our own rich variants of mangoes.

From the fiber rich Gopalbhog to the tasty Langra, from the giant Fazli to the limited edition Himsagar, our country has a rich array of mangoes. And the differerence in taste for all these different types are quite well known. So if any new brand launches new variants based on X mango juice – Langra or X mango juice – Fajli, it wont be like educating the market that there is difference that exists between them. It will be like tapping into a bengali need, that different people like different mangoes at different times.

West has done it before successfully through its berry variations like Blackberry, Blueberry etc. Now its time for our mangoes, to step up to the plate. Pun intended.


  • parvez

    July 23, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    This idea is not new. But we are still far behind to do this because of technology. You need to collect “MANGO PULP” to make fruit juice. Few local food companies are collecting this pulps from Rajshahi region on a contract farming basis but problem lies with the consistency of the quality of mango pulp. Ours is small country and having small consumer sphere to put up huge investment on technology to restore and maintain the consistency from plantation to collection of the fruit. Besides “flavor” also plays a vital role to make Mango juice like “lengra” or “Fazlee”. Top flavor companies in the world do research and develop flavor based on the availability and market demand. In world market Alphanso, Tottapui are the name of few mango pulp which is widely acceptable globally. So my opinion is not to attempt to brand Fazlee and Lengra as juice rather we should try to do the branding of fruit itself in the global market too raise market demand globally. We can then make our own flavored Fazlee & Lengra Mango Juice banking on fruit’s brand. Now we need to think again what can be our future communication stategy to “branding’ these fruits globally ? Answer lies how traditional Indian curries get popularity in London, New York and many other top cities ? Why not Bangladeshi “Lengra” “Fazlee” in the near future ? The taste of Frooty and Frutika is far way from Lengra & Fazlee and the percentage of pulp is so low in these juices.


  • Debasish Shikder

    July 24, 2008 at 3:50 am

    Is it very defficult for any juice bar to brand different mango variant juice locally? Say a juice bar in new market or gulshan can easily maintain quality and can satisfy need of himsagar , fazlee or gopalbhog juice. Not only for juice this branding can be done for some other products also like candy. Flavor Company like IFF is trying to develop some flavors of local mango variant and flavors of different life stage of mango for local candy manufacturer. Hope the company will be able to launch a wide variety of mango flavor candy soon.

    For juices, which are being made by our local companies like Pran, Acme, are low end product mostly do not have any back word linkage with the farmers (Pran claims they are doing it). For them it is very difficult to invest for pulp production.

    I appreciate shahriar bhai for bringing the issue onto discussion.


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