Marketing Idea No. 163 – How to play along during load- shedding

May 13, 2008by Shahriar Amin1

Dhaka has officially transformed from the city of mosques to the city of rickshaws to the city of load shedding. The dwellers of the dark city has forever accepted the fact that just like 2 hours of their lives that they are losing to traffic jam everyday, another additional two hours will be gone in darkness…..waiting for the light to be turned on.

But accepting the fate does not deny us from properly utilizing it. While taking a walk in the streets in the midst of power outage is never a good idea due to security concerns, one can always stay inside house and enjoy the flip-side of darkness.

Come again? Flip-side of Load-shedding?

If you are one of those who were always complaining about the hectic pace of urban life, here are a couple of hours for you to slow down, and do something else, something you probably wont think about doing when the lights are on. Thats why, if properly marketed, i think there is a big opportunity for any local board game brands to move in and make some money.

Traditionally, we are not big in board games. Let alone the likes of Monopoly, we havent even developed a proper branded game that can help us pass some quality time with friends and loved ones. Ludu has always been the favorite one, but lost its flavor among the urban audience.

Thats why any new local board game brand can now move in and position themselves as the perfect passtime solution during load shedding. Reading books is out, watching TV is out of the question, IPS is expensive, going out is risky. What remains is spending 1 hour of quality close time with your family members playing any local board game. Good solution for a not so great problem – what to do during a load shedding?

One comment

  • BR

    May 20, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    really interesting POV and you’re totally right. Surprising that a marketing campaign in BD hasn’t used this angle yet when promoting brand values related to taking it easy or making the most of a bad situation – but I guess someone will now…


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