Marketing Idea No. 2 – Extend the dying book business into audio book business

April 17, 2007by Shahriar Amin5

The problem ( For Book industry…actually a very big problem)

None has time to read books, although everybody admits reading book helps. If only, time permits…they probably would have.


People are into listening big time, especially youth, the biggest segment that has moved away from reading. The book generation is slowly and gradually becoming the I Pod generation.


Its a given assumption that books need to be read. But to be true to the concept, books are just a media of spreading knowledge – and that not necessarily has to be read.

It can be listend to by people.

Lets launch audio books, which is simply transforming the books into audio format. The books will be narrated by different voice artists playing different voice roles. As a result of that, we can create a whole new market for books – people who are interested in gathering knowledge from books but dont have the time to read.

Companies who can benefit from the idea

I remember how big Sheba Prokashoni used to be when i was young. But today’s youth are into a whole new set of media. Therefore, any book publisher or book distributer in Bangladesh   – ranging from Ananya Prokashoni to Etc. can greatly benefit from this.


  • Miller

    April 17, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    This is a great idea. But how will the books be copyright protected in our country?


  • shahriar amin

    April 18, 2007 at 5:24 am

    It wont be. Its Bangladesh…come on!!


  • Habib Rashid

    June 21, 2007 at 4:18 am

    Thanks. But this should not be encouraged. If we look at the present situation in our country we can say no matter who you are- you will be punisshed if you do illegal things in your life. The market segment is big and the pioneer will be sued by the big groups. Let someone works through the local law; it will protect his future business and future hazards.


  • Mohammad Jobaed Adnan

    June 23, 2007 at 6:05 am

    If we just forget about law for audio book, then another issue comes up. Market segments for novels are divided in two parts: urban people and rural people. When a book is published, it can be found everywhere in Bangladesh. And publishers target market is the whole country. But for audio book, only who have digital reading devices like CD player, computer and DVD player can play the disc. So the target market will be very narrow. Another bad thing, for audio book is: it is audio only production so people might have chance to be confused while there will be many characters. Listeners may have a problem with memorizing the whole thing.

    On the other hand digital audio book will be good for rhymes and poetry instead of novels. Here rhymes and poetry will get an extra expression to be focused to the rhymes and poetry listeners where in the rhymes and poetry books we don’t have that option. It would be good if we can publish a text-only version along with the audio book.


  • Ashfaque Ahmed

    November 17, 2007 at 5:22 pm

    the quality of the voices used will be really crucial . if they are remotely close to the voices that were used in dubbing of “Arabian Nights” in 90’s that would b a nightmare 🙂


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